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文章来源: | 发布时间:2010-08-19 | 【打印】【关闭】

报告题目:Characterizing the Earth’s Atmosphere Using GPS Radio Occultation Measurements: Opportunities and Challenges

报告人: Dr. Feiqin Xie

(1.Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering, UCLA

2. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,USA)

地  点:九章大厦405(天王星厅)

时  间:8月27日(周五)上午10:00


Conventional satellite observations, the workhorse for numerical weather forecasting, have limitations in vertical resolution,  particularly in the lower troposphere where IR and shorter  wavelengths cannot penetrate clouds.  In contrast, atmospheric profiling with the GPS Radio Occultation (RO) technique provides a unique combination of global coverage, high vertical resolution (~200 m), high precision and accuracy with insensitivity to clouds and precipitation. Since 1995, a series of RO missions have provided a wealth of global soundings and have spurred research for multi-scale atmospheric phenomena. In 2006, the launch of six-satellite constellation (FORMSAT-3/COSMIC) yields rather dense global soundings, which have been operationally assimilated by the leading numerical weather prediction (NWP) centers, such as NCEP and ECMWF and significantly improved the global weather forecasts. In this talk, a brief overview of the RO technique will be presented. The application of RO soundings for tropical diurnal variation, global tropopause and in particular for stratocumulus-topped planetary boundary layer (PBL) studies will be explored. Some preliminary result of the novel airborne GPS RO techniques and the future RO missions as well as the research opportunities and challenges will also be discussed.


